About Us
Welcome to OneZo!
The world's leading bubble tea brand now in the USA.
OneZo bobas are hand-made to deliver the best taste. We are the world’s first live producers of pearls. The aim is to keep the taste fresh with the original flavor of colorful ingredients.
The on-site production of the pearls is what makes us different from the rest of the bubble tea brands in the United States. After reaching the horizon of success and popularity in Taiwan, we have decided to launch in the US and offer our premium drinks with our finest hand-made bobas.
We believe that people deserve to enjoy the best taste of Taiwanese beloved “boba tea”, so that’s the reason we are here after establishing our successful brand in more than 28 countries.
Our tastemakers create the pearls with their hands to make sure that each cup of boba tea is unique in its deliciousness. Apart from that, OneZo is the world’s first brand to introduce multi-layered pearls to launch the ultimate Pokémon theme in these sweet little pearls.
We are known for our innovation, creativity, and the ability to launch new products to keep your taste buds active. Each product line is based on a specific theme that our respected customers can experience to make the most of bubble tea.